Have a special overlay view placed in the main activity that is perfectly aligned with splash screen’s image.Open main app activity as soon as possible without activity transition.Have a properly implemented splash screen (read what “proper” means below).The trick is to seamlessly change static splash screen to an activity with the actual content. Don’t waste user’s time and think twice when building something like this.

With great power comes great responsibility: it’s easy to ruin user experience by building something useless. Splash screen has a very simple and quick animation to show first screen of the app with the actual content.Time before animation starts is the time that the operating system needs to show first app’s screen with the actual content.There’s no blank screen between clicking the app icon and showing the actual content Splash screen is displayed immediately after app start.A good example where this animation can be used is a first time use when onboarding a new user. User may have a feeling of entering your app’s gates.

It’s not only adding an animation to your app but showing app content by going “through” the splash screen. This article shows how to add an animation to seamlessly land your user from your static splash screen on your app’s first screen. Usually when you see an animated splash screen tutorial for Android it shows how to build a splash screen that takes some (or a lot) of user’s time just to show a cool animation app developers built without any particular reason. Eyecandying Android app's splash screen with animations